Enough clutter. Enough confusion. Enough complications.

19 July 2012


Ha llegado la hora de despedirme de mi linda Nicaragua. Mis dos años aquí pasaron rapidísimos. Claro que habían días difíciles pero gracias al amor de Dios y la amistad de mis amigos y familia Nicaragüense mi servicio de Cuerpo de Paz vio mil sonrisas y pocos problemas. Nunca voy a poder agradecerles de forma adecuada ni comunicar a otros cuanto he aprendido de Nicaragua. Realmente llegue a amar a este país y especialmente al norte y a mi comunidad en el Jícaro. Aunque me vaya ahorita, siempre voy a llevar conmigo un alma pinolera. A todos, les agradezco su apoyo y su amistad y les deseo suerte y salud hasta que nos volvamos a ver. Que Dios les cuide y les bendiga!
Now that the time has come to take my leave of Nicaragua, it is hard to find the right words to convey my feelings. I am, above all else, grateful for the time I have had in Nicaragua and the experiences and relationships that I have enjoyed and been challenged by over the last two years. I have been more than lucky during my time here, I have been truly blessed. Every morning I have prayed for the strength and the patience to deal with whatever challenges the day presented and every night that God would order my steps for the next day. I have never been disappointed.

I am also ready to go home and get started on what's next. It is hard to be too sad about leaving a place when you are excited to go somewhere else. In my last blog post before I left the US for Nicaragua I wrote:

So now it is time to move on. I'm excited again. I may miss the people I'm taking my leave from, but it is their love and support that has allowed me to come to a place where I can step out to wherever I'm called to go in faith and confidence. Nothing changes between us just because we are not together. Leaving is not complicated. It is quite simple. One day you are in one place, with one group of people. The next day you are somewhere else, with different people. The job is still the same. “

I still believe that to be true.

Entonces, me despido. Nos vemos pronto.